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This is used in Timber to represent users retrived from WordPress. You can call $my_user = new Timber\User(123); directly, or access it through the {{ post.author }} method.


$context['current_user'] = new Timber\User();
$context['post'] = new Timber\Post();
Timber::render('single.twig', $context);


<p class="current-user-info">Your name is {{ current_user.name }}</p>
<p class="article-info">This article is called "{{ post.title }}" and it's by {{ post.author.name }}


<p class="current-user-info">Your name is Jesse Eisenberg</p>
<p class="article-info">This article is called "Consider the Lobster" and it's by David Foster Wallace

Overview #

Properties #

avatar_overridestringA URL to an avatar that overrides anything from Gravatar, etc.
descriptionstringThe description from WordPress
first_namestringThe first name of the user
last_namestringThe last name of the user
idintThe ID from WordPress

Methods #

avatarstring/\Timber\ImageThe avatar URL.
canboolWhether the user has the capability.
namestringthe human-friendly name of the user (ex: "Buster Bluth")
pathstringex: /author/lincoln
slugstringex baberaham-lincoln

Class Methods #

__construct #

__construct( bool/object/int/bool $uid=false )

returns: void


__toString #

__toString( )

returns: string a fallback for TimberUser::name()


This post is by {{ post.author }}


This post is by Jared Novack

avatar #

avatar( mixed/null/array $args=null )

returns: string/\Timber\Image The avatar URL.

Gets a user’s avatar URL.

$argsmixed/null/arrayParameters for get_avatar_url().

Get a user avatar with a width and height of 150px: Twig

<img src="{{ post.author.avatar({ size: 150 }) }}">

can #

can( string $capability )

returns: bool Whether the user has the capability.

Checks whether a user has a capability.

Don’t use role slugs for capability checks. While checking against a role in place of a capability is supported in part, this practice is discouraged as it may produce unreliable results. This includes cases where you want to check whether a user is registered. If you want to check whether a user is a Subscriber, use {{ user.can('read') }}. If you only want to check whether a user is logged in, you can use {% if user %}.

$capabilitystringThe capability to check.

Give moderation users another CSS class to style them differently. Twig

<span class="comment-author {{ comment.author.can('moderate_comments') ? 'comment-author--is-moderator }}">
{{ comment.author.name }}

get_custom #

get_custom( )

returns: array/null

get_meta_field #

get_meta_field( string $field_name )

returns: mixed


link( )

returns: string http://example.org/author/lincoln

meta #

meta( string $field_name )

returns: mixed


name #

name( )

returns: string the human-friendly name of the user (ex: "Buster Bluth")

path #

path( )

returns: string ex: /author/lincoln

roles #

roles( )

returns: array/null

Gets the user roles. Roles shouldn’t be used to check whether a user has a capability. Use roles only for displaying purposes. For example, if you want to display the name of the subscription a user has on the site behind a paywall.

If you want to check for capabilities, use {{ user.can('capability') }}. If you only want to check whether a user is logged in, you can use {% if user %}.


<h2>Role name</h2>
{% for role in post.author.roles %}
{{ role }}
{% endfor %}


<h2>Role name</h2>
{{ post.author.roles|join(', ') }}


{% for slug, name in post.author.roles %}
{{ slug }}
{% endfor %}

slug #

slug( )

returns: string ex baberaham-lincoln

This class extends \Timber\Core

This class implements \Timber\CoreInterface