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Enable debugging #

To use debugging, the constant WP_DEBUG needs to be set to true.


define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );

Using Twig’s native functions #

Twig includes a dump function that can output the properties of an object.


{{ dump(post) }}

Which will give you:

You can also dump everything sent to your template (all the contents of $context that were passed to the Twig file) via:

{{ dump() }}

This will give you something like:

Formatted output #

For a highlighted output like you see it above, you need to have xDebug enabled in your local development environment. With some environments like MAMP, enabling it is as easy as ticking a checkbox and restarting the server. Other times, it might be more complex.

An easier solution is to use the Timber Dump Extension, which will make use of the Symfony VarDumper component to generate output like this when using {{ dump() }} in Twig:

It also works in PHP. Instead of using var_dump or print_r, you will use dump() as well:

dump( $post );

Commented Twig includes #

Sometimes it’s difficult to know which Twig file generated a certain output. Thankfully, there’s the Timber Commented Include extension. It will generate HTML comments that indicate where a template starts and where it ends:

<!-- Begin output of "partials/navigation.twig" -->
<nav class="navigation">...</nav>
<!-- / End output of "partials/navigation.twig" -->).

The extension is only active when WP_DEBUG is set to true.

Set breakpoints in Twig #

Twig breakpoints in PhpStorm #

With PhpStorm, you can set breakpoints right in your Twig files. To make it work, you need to enable the caching of Twig files:


Timber::$twig_cache = true;

Then, you need to reference the path to the cached files in Settings/PreferencesLanguages & FrameworksPHPDebugTemplates. If you’ve installed Timber through Composer, the path will be vendor/timber/timber/cache/.

Remember that you can set the location of the cache files through the timber/cache/location filter:

add_filter( 'timber/cache/location', function() {
return '/absolute/path/to/your/cached/twig/files';
} );

Twig breakpoints in other IDEs #

Other IDEs don’t allow you to set breakpoints in your PHP code. You can try out the AjglBreakpointTwigExtension extension, that allows you to set breakpoints and inspect environment and context variables.

Install it as a dev-dependency:

composer require ajgl/breakpoint-twig-extension --dev

And then add it to Timber’s Twig environment:


add_filter( 'timber/twig', function( \Twig\Environment $twig ) {
if ( defined( 'WP_DEBUG' ) && WP_DEBUG
&& class_exists( 'Ajgl\Twig\Extension\BreakpointExtension' )
) {
$twig->addExtension( new Ajgl\Twig\Extension\BreakpointExtension() );

return $twig;
} );

Finally, you can set a breakpoint anywhere in your Twig file:

{{ breakpoint() }}

Timber Debugger #

The Timber Debugger package includes all three extensions mentioned above: the Timber Dump extension, the Timber Commented Include extension and the Twig Breakpoints extension.

Using Timber Debug Bar plugin #

There’s a Timber add-on for the WordPress debug bar.
Warning: this currently requires PHP 5.4.

Using (Legacy) Timber Filters #

You can also use some quick filters on an object. These are legacy and will be removed in favor of using Twig's built-in functionality. However, these do not require that WP_DEBUG be turned on.

Passes the variable to PHP’s print_r function.

{{ post|print_r }}

get_class #

This filter answers the question: What type of object am I working with? It passes a variable to PHP’s get_class function.

{{ post|get_class }}

It will output something like TimberPost or your custom wrapper object.