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Class Methods #

file_system_to_url #

file_system_to_url( string $fs )

returns: void


get_content_subdir #

get_content_subdir( )

returns: string (ex: /wp-content or /content)

Get the path to the content directory relative to the site. This replaces the WP_CONTENT_SUBDIR constant

get_current_url #

get_current_url( )

returns: string

get_full_path #

get_full_path( string $src )

returns: string


get_host #

get_host( )

returns: string the HTTP_HOST or SERVER_NAME

Some setups like HTTP_HOST, some like SERVER_NAME, it's complicated

get_params #

get_params( bool/int $i=false )

returns: array/string

Returns the url parameters, for example for url http://example.org/blog/post/news/2014/whatever this will return array('blog', 'post', 'news', '2014', 'whatever'); OR if sent an integer like: TimberUrlHelper::get_params(2); this will return 'news';

$ibool/intthe position of the parameter to grab.

get_path_base #

get_path_base( )

returns: string

get_rel_path #

get_rel_path( string $src )

returns: string


get_rel_url #

get_rel_url( string $url, bool $force=false )

returns: string


get_scheme #

get_scheme( )

returns: string

Get url scheme

is_absolute #

is_absolute( string $path )

returns: boolean true if $path is an absolute url, false if relative.

This will evaluate wheter a URL is at an aboslute location (like http://example.org/whatever)


is_external #

is_external( string $url )

returns: bool true if $path is an external url, false if relative or local. true if it's a subdomain (http://cdn.example.org = true)

Checks if URL is external or internal. Works with domains, subdomains and protocol relative domains.


is_external_content #

is_external_content( string $url )

returns: boolean if $url points to an external location returns true

This function is slightly different from the one below in the case of: an image hosted on the same domain BUT on a different site than the Wordpress install will be reported as external content.

$urlstringa URL to evaluate against

is_local #

is_local( string $url )

returns: bool


is_url #

is_url( string $url )

returns: bool


prepend_to_url #

prepend_to_url( string $url, string $path )

returns: string


preslashit #

preslashit( string $path )

returns: string


remove_double_slashes #

remove_double_slashes( string $url )

returns: string


remove_trailing_slash #

remove_trailing_slash( string $link )

returns: string

Pass links through untrailingslashit unless they are a single /


remove_url_component #

remove_url_component( string $haystack, string $needle )

returns: string

Removes the subcomponent of a URL regardless of protocol

$haystackstringex: http://example.org/wp-content/uploads/dog.jpg
$needlestringex: http://example.org/wp-content

starts_with #

starts_with( mixed $haystack, mixed $starts_with )

returns: boolean

Check to see if the URL begins with the string in question Because it's a URL we don't care about protocol (HTTP vs HTTPS) Or case (so it's cAsE iNsEnSeTiVe)


swap_protocol #

swap_protocol( string $url )

returns: string ex: https://example.org/wp-content/uploads/dog.jpg

Swaps whatever protocol of a URL is sent. http becomes https and vice versa

$urlstringex: http://example.org/wp-content/uploads/dog.jpg

unpreslashit #

unpreslashit( string $path )

returns: string


url_to_file_system #

url_to_file_system( string $url )

returns: string

Takes a url and figures out its place based in the file system based on path NOTE: Not fool-proof, makes a lot of assumptions about the file path matching the URL path


user_trailingslashit #

user_trailingslashit( string $link )

returns: string

Pass links through user_trailingslashit handling query strings properly
