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Extending Timber

Myth: Timber is for making simple themes. Fact: It's for making incredibly complex themes look easy. But yes, you can also make simple sites from it.

The beauty of Timber is that the object-oriented nature lets you extend it to match the exact requirements of your theme.

An example that extends TimberPost #

Timber's objects like Timber\Post, Timber\Term, etc. are a great starting point to build your own subclass from. For example, on this project each post was a part of an "issue" of a magazine. I wanted an easy way to reference the issue in the twig file:

<h1>{{ post.title }}</h1>
<h3>From the {{ post.issue.title }} issue</h3>

Of course, Timber\Post has no built-in concept of an issue (which I've built as a custom taxonomy called "issues"). So we're going to extend TimberPost to give it one:

class MySitePost extends Timber\Post {

var $_issue;

public function issue() {
$issues = $this->get_terms('issues');
if (is_array($issues) && count($issues)) {
return $issues[0];

So now I've got an easy way to refer to the {{ post.issue }} in our twig templates. If you want to make this production-ready I recommend a bit of internal caching so that you don't re-query every time you need to get the issue data:

class MySitePost extends Timber\Post {

var $_issue;

public function issue() {
if (!$this->_issue) {
$issues = $this->get_terms('issues');
if (is_array($issues) && count($issues)) {
$this->_issue = $issues[0];
return $this->_issue;

Right now I'm in the midst of building a complex site for a hybrid foundation and publication. The posts on the site have some very specific requirements that requires a fair amount of logic. I can take the simple Timber\Post object and extend it to make it work perfectly for this theme.

For example, I have a plugin that let's people insert manually related posts, but if they don't, WordPress will pull some automatically based on how the post is tagged.

class MySitePost extends Timber\Post {

function get_related_auto() {
$tags = $this->tags();
if (is_array($tags) && count($tags)) {
$search_tag = $tags[0];
$related = Timber::get_posts('tag_id='.$search_tag->ID);
return $related;
} else {
//not tagged, cant do related on it
return false;

function get_related_manual() {
if (isset($this->related_manual) && is_array($this->related_manual)){
foreach($this->related_manual as &$related){
$related = new MySitePost($related);
return $this->related_manual;
return false;

function related($limit = 3) {
$related = $this->get_related_manual();
if (!$related){
$related = $this->get_related_auto();
if (is_array($related)) {
array_splice($related, 0, $limit);
return $related;

These can get pretty complex. And that's the beauty. The complexity lives inside the context of the object, but very simple when it comes to your templates.

Adding functionality to Twig #

You can extend Twig by adding custom functionality like functions or filters. Timber provides its own classes (Timber\Twig_Function and Timber\Twig_Filter) to provide better compatibility with different versions of Twig.



add_filter( 'timber/twig', 'add_to_twig' );

* Adds functionality to Twig.
* @param \Twig\Environment $twig The Twig environment.
* @return \Twig\Environment

function add_to_twig( $twig ) {
// Adding a function.
$twig->addFunction( new Timber\Twig_Function( 'edit_post_link', 'edit_post_link' ) );

// Adding functions as filters.
$twig->addFilter( new Timber\Twig_Filter( 'whateverify', 'whateverify' ) );
$twig->addFilter( new Timber\Twig_Filter( 'slugify', function( $title ) {
return sanitize_title( $title );
} ) );

return $twig;

function whateverify( $text ) {
$text .= ' or whatever';

return $text;

This can now be called in your twig files with:

<h2 id="{{ post.title|slugify }}">{{ post.title|whateverify }}</h2>

Which will output:

<h2 id="hello-world">Hello World! or whatever</h2>