As the name suggests these are helpers for Timber (and you!) when developing. You can find additional (mainly internally-focused helpers) in TimberURLHelper
Overview #
Methods #
Name | Type | Returns/Description |
ob_function | string | |
start_timer | \Timber\float | |
transient | mixed |
Class Methods #
array_to_object #
array_to_object( array $array )
returns: \stdClass
Name | Type | Description |
$array | array |
array_truncate #
array_truncate( array $array, int $len )
returns: array
Name | Type | Description |
$array | array | |
$len | int |
close_tags #
DEPRECATED since 1.2.0
close_tags( string $html )
returns: string
Name | Type | Description |
$html | string |
convert_wp_object #
convert_wp_object( \Timber\mix $obj )
returns: \Timber\mix
Instance of equivalent Timber object, or the argument if no match is found
Converts a WP object (WP_Post, WP_Term) into his equivalent Timber class (Timber\Post, Timber\Term).
If no match is found the function will return the inital argument.
Name | Type | Description |
$obj | \Timber\mix | WP Object |
error_log #
error_log( mixed $error )
returns: void
Name | Type | Description |
$error | mixed |
filter_array #
filter_array( array $list, \Timber\callback/string/array $arrow, string $operator="AND" )
returns: array
Filters a list of objects, based on a set of key => value arguments. Uses native Twig Filter.
Name | Type | Description |
$list | array | to filter. |
$arrow | \Timber\callback/string/array | function used for filtering, string or array for backward compatibility. |
$operator | string | to use (AND, NOT, OR). For backward compatibility. |
function_wrapper #
DEPRECATED since 1.3.0
function_wrapper( mixed $function_name, array $defaults=array(), bool $return_output_buffer=false )
returns: \Timber\FunctionWrapper/mixed
Name | Type | Description |
$function_name | mixed | String or array( $class( string |
$defaults | array | |
$return_output_buffer | bool | Optional. Return function output instead of return value. Default false. |
get_comment_form #
DEPRECATED 0.21.8 use {{ function('comment_form') }}
get_comment_form( mixed/int $post_id=null, array $args=array() )
returns: string
Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
Name | Type | Description |
$post_id | mixed/int | which post_id should the form be tied to? |
$args | array |
get_current_url #
get_current_url( )
returns: string
get_object_by_property #
get_object_by_property( array $array, string $key, mixed $value )
returns: array/null
Name | Type | Description |
$array | array | |
$key | string | |
$value | mixed |
get_object_index_by_property #
get_object_index_by_property( array $array, string $key, mixed $value )
returns: bool/int
Name | Type | Description |
$array | array | |
$key | string | |
$value | mixed |
get_wp_title #
get_wp_title( string $separator=" ", string $seplocation="left" )
returns: string
Name | Type | Description |
$separator | string | |
$seplocation | string |
is_array_assoc #
is_array_assoc( array $arr )
returns: bool
Name | Type | Description |
$arr | array |
is_true #
is_true( mixed $value )
returns: bool
Name | Type | Description |
$value | mixed |
iseven #
iseven( int $i )
returns: bool
Name | Type | Description |
$i | int |
isodd #
isodd( int $i )
returns: bool
Name | Type | Description |
$i | int |
ob_function #
ob_function( \Timber\callback $function, array $args=array() )
returns: string
Calls a function with an output buffer. This is useful if you have a function that outputs text that you want to capture and use within a twig template.
Name | Type | Description |
$function | \Timber\callback | |
$args | array |
function the_form() {
echo '<form action="form.php"><input type="text" /><input type="submit /></form>';
$context = Timber::context();
$context['post'] = new Timber\Post();
$context['my_form'] = TimberHelper::ob_function('the_form');
Timber::render('single-form.twig', $context);
<h1>{{ post.title }}</h1>
{{ my_form }}
<h1>Apply to my contest!</h1>
<form action="form.php"><input type="text" /><input type="submit /></form>
osort #
osort( array $array, string $prop )
returns: void
Name | Type | Description |
$array | array | |
$prop | string |
paginate_links #
DEPRECATED since 1.1.2
paginate_links( array $args=array() )
returns: array
Name | Type | Description |
$args | array |
pluck #
pluck( array $array, string $key )
returns: void
Plucks the values of a certain key from an array of objects
Name | Type | Description |
$array | array | |
$key | string |
start_timer #
start_timer( )
returns: \Timber\float
For measuring time, this will start a timer
stop_timer #
stop_timer( int $start )
returns: string
For stopping time and getting the data
Name | Type | Description |
$start | int |
$start = TimberHelper::start_timer();
// do some stuff that takes awhile
echo TimberHelper::stop_timer( $start );
transient #
transient( string $slug, \Timber\callable $callback, \Timber\integer $transient_time, mixed/\Timber\integer $lock_timeout=5, bool/boolean $force=false )
returns: mixed
A utility for a one-stop shop for Transients
Name | Type | Description |
$slug | string | Unique identifier for transient |
$callback | \Timber\callable | Callback that generates the data that's to be cached |
$transient_time | \Timber\integer | (optional) Expiration of transients in seconds |
$lock_timeout | mixed/\Timber\integer | (optional) How long (in seconds) to lock the transient to prevent race conditions |
$force | bool/boolean | (optional) Force callback to be executed when transient is locked |
$context = Timber::context();
$context['favorites'] = Timber\Helper::transient('user-' .$uid. '-favorites', function() use ($uid) {
//some expensive query here that's doing something you want to store to a transient
return $favorites;
}, 600);
Timber::render('single.twig', $context);
trim_words #
DEPRECATED since 1.2.0
trim_words( string $text, mixed/int $num_words=55, mixed/string/null/false $more=null, string $allowed_tags="p a span b i br blockquote" )
returns: string
Name | Type | Description |
$text | string | |
$num_words | mixed/int | |
$more | mixed/string/null/false | text to appear in "Read more...". Null to use default, false to hide |
$allowed_tags | string |
warn #
warn( string $message )
returns: boolean
Name | Type | Description |
$message | string | that you want to output |
wp_list_filter #
wp_list_filter( array $list, string/array $args, string $operator="AND" )
returns: array
Filters a list of objects, based on a set of key => value arguments. Uses WordPress WP_List_Util's filter.
Name | Type | Description |
$list | array | to filter. |
$args | string/array | to search for. |
$operator | string | to use (AND, NOT, OR). |
handle_transient_locking #
handle_transient_locking( string $slug, \Timber\callable $callback, \Timber\integer $transient_time, \Timber\integer $lock_timeout, boolean $force, boolean $enable_transients )
returns: void
Does the dirty work of locking the transient, running the callback and unlocking
Name | Type | Description |
$slug | string | |
$callback | \Timber\callable | |
$transient_time | \Timber\integer | Expiration of transients in seconds |
$lock_timeout | \Timber\integer | How long (in seconds) to lock the transient to prevent race conditions |
$force | boolean | Force callback to be executed when transient is locked |
$enable_transients | boolean | Force callback to be executed when transient is locked |