This is the object you use to access or extend WordPress posts. Think of it as Timber's (more accessible) version of WP_Post
. This is used throughout Timber to represent posts retrieved from WordPress making them available to Twig templates. See the PHP and Twig examples for an example of what it’s like to work with this object in your code.
$context = Timber::context();
Timber::render( 'single.twig', $context );
<h1 class="headline">{{ post.title }}</h1>
<div class="body">
{{ post.content }}
<h1 class="headline">The Empire Strikes Back</h1>
<div class="body">
It is a dark time for the Rebellion. Although the Death Star has been
destroyed, Imperial troops have driven the Rebel forces from their
hidden base and pursued them across the galaxy.
Overview #
This class extends Timber\CoreEntity
This class implements Timber\DatedInterface
, Timber\Setupable
, Stringable
Properties #
Name | Type | Description |
$ID | int | The numeric WordPress id of a post, capitalized to match WordPress usage. |
$id | int | The numeric WordPress id of a post. |
$post_author | int | The numeric ID of the a post's author corresponding to the wp_user database table |
$post_content | string | The raw text of a WP post as stored in the database |
$post_date | string | The raw date string as stored in the WP database, ex: 2014-07-05 18:01:39 |
$post_excerpt | string | The raw text of a manual post excerpt as stored in the database |
$post_parent | int | The numeric ID of a post's parent post |
$post_status | string | The status of a post ("draft", "publish", etc.) |
$post_title | string | The raw text of a post's title as stored in the database |
$post_type | string | The name of the post type, this is the machine name (so "my_custom_post_type" as opposed to "My Custom Post Type") |
$slug | string | The URL-safe slug, this corresponds to the poorly-named "post_name" in the WP database, ex: "hello-world" |
Methods #
Name | Return Type | Summary/Returns |
__call() | mixed | This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see: https://github.com/fabpot/Twig/issues/2 |
__get() | mixed | This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see: https://github.com/fabpot/Twig/issues/2 |
__toString() | string | Outputs the title of the post if you do something like <h1>{{post}}</h1> |
author() | \Timber\User or null | Return the author of a post Returns: A User object if found, false if not |
authors() | array | Got more than one author? That's cool, but you'll need Co-Authors plus or another plugin to access any data |
can_edit() | bool | Checks whether the current user can edit the post. |
categories() | array | Get the categories on a particular post Returns: of Timber\Term objects |
category() | \Timber\Term or null | Gets a category attached to a post. |
children() | \Timber\PostCollectionInterface | Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts (or other claass as you define). |
comment_count() | int | Gets the number of comments on a post. Returns: The number of comments on a post |
comment_form() | string | Gets the comment form for use on a single article page Returns: of HTML for the form |
comments() | bool or \Timber\CommentThread | Gets the comments on a Timber\Post and returns them as an array of Timber\Comment objects (or whatever comment class you set). |
content() | string | Gets the actual content of a WordPress post. Returns: The content of the post. |
convert() | Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Post objects. | |
date() | string | Gets the publishing date of the post. |
edit_link() | string or null | Gets the edit link for a post if the current user has the correct rights. Returns: The edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin or null if the current user can’t edit the post. |
excerpt() | \Timber\PostExcerpt | Gets a excerpt of your post. |
field_object() | mixed | Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields. |
format() | mixed | |
gallery() | array | Returns galleries from the post’s content. Returns: A list of arrays, each containing gallery data and srcs parsed from the expanded shortcode. |
mixed | Gets a post meta value. Returns: The meta field value. | |
has_field() | bool | |
has_term() | bool | |
Import field data onto this object | ||
link() | string | get the permalink for a post object Returns: ex: https://example.org/2015/07/my-awesome-post |
meta() | mixed | Gets an object meta value. Returns: The custom field value or an array of custom field values. Null if no value could be found. |
modified_author() | \Timber\User or null | Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post Returns: A User object if found, false if not |
modified_date() | string | Gets the date the post was last modified. |
modified_time() | string | Gets the time of the last modification of the post to use in your template. |
modified_timestamp() | false or int | Gets the timestamp when the post was last modified. Returns: Unix timestamp on success, false on failure. |
name() | string | |
next() | mixed | Gets the next post that is adjacent to the current post in a collection. |
pagination() | array | Gets a data array to display a pagination for your paginated post. Returns: An array with data to build your paginated content. |
parent() | bool or \Timber\Post | Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object. |
password_required() | bool | whether post requires password and correct password has been provided |
path() | string | Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return https://example.org/2015/07/my-cool-post this will return just /2015/07/my-cool-post |
prev() | mixed | Get the previous post that is adjacent to the current post in a collection. |
\Timber\PostExcerpt | Gets an excerpt of your post. | |
raw_meta() | null or mixed | Gets an object meta value directly from the database. Returns: The meta field value(s). Null if no value could be found, an empty array if all fields were requested but no values could be found. |
setup() | \Timber\Post | Sets up a post. Returns: The post instance. |
tags() | array | Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy |
teardown() | \Timber\Post | Resets variables after post has been used. Returns: The post instance. |
terms() | array | Gets the terms associated with the post. Returns: An array of taxonomies. |
thumbnail() | \Timber\Image or null | get the featured image as a Timber/Image Returns: of your thumbnail |
thumbnail_id() | false or int | Gets the post’s thumbnail ID. Returns: The default post’s ID. False if no thumbnail was defined. |
time() | string | Gets the time the post was published to use in your template. |
timestamp() | false or int | Gets the timestamp when the post was published. Returns: Unix timestamp on success, false on failure. |
title() | string | Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of the post after WP's filters have run. This is analogous to the_title() in standard WP template tags. |
type() | \Timber\PostType | Returns the PostType object for a post’s post type with labels and other info. |
Class Methods #
__call() #
This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see: https://github.com/fabpot/Twig/issues/2
This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable
__call( mixed $field, mixed $args )
Returns: mixed
__get() #
This is helpful for twig to return properties and methods see: https://github.com/fabpot/Twig/issues/2
This is also here to ensure that {{ post.class }} remains usable.
__get( mixed $field )
Returns: mixed
__toString() #
Outputs the title of the post if you do something like <h1>{{post}}</h1>
Returns: string
author() #
Return the author of a post
Returns: \Timber\User|null
A User object if found, false if not
<p class="byline">
<a href="{{post.author.link}}">{{post.author.name}}</a>
authors() #
Got more than one author? That's cool, but you'll need Co-Authors plus or another plugin to access any data
Returns: array
can_edit() #
Checks whether the current user can edit the post.
Returns: bool
{% if post.can_edit %}
<a href="{{ post.edit_link }}">Edit</a>
{% endif %}
categories() #
Get the categories on a particular post
Returns: array
of Timber\Term objects
category() #
Gets a category attached to a post.
If multiple categories are set, it will return just the first one.
Returns: \Timber\Term|null
children() #
Returns an array of children on the post as Timber\Posts (or other claass as you define).
children( string|array $args = 'any' )
Returns: \Timber\PostCollectionInterface
Name | Type | Description |
$args | string or array | optional An array of arguments for the get_children function or a string/non-indexed array to use as the post type(s). |
{% if post.children is not empty %}
Here are the child pages:
{% for child in post.children %}
<a href="{{ child.link }}">{{ child.title }}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
comment_count() #
Gets the number of comments on a post.
Returns: int
The number of comments on a post
comment_form() #
Gets the comment form for use on a single article page
comment_form( array $args = [] )
Returns: string
of HTML for the form
Name | Type | Description |
$args | array | see WordPress docs on comment_form for reference on acceptable parameters |
comments() #
Gets the comments on a Timber\Post and returns them as an array of Timber\Comment
objects (or whatever comment class you set).
see Timber\CommentThread for an example with nested comments
comments( int $count = null, string $order = 'wp', string $type = 'comment', string $status = 'approve' )
Returns: bool|\Timber\CommentThread
Name | Type | Description |
$count | int | Set the number of comments you want to get. 0 is analogous to "all". |
$order | string | Use ordering set in WordPress admin, or a different scheme. |
$type | string | For when other plugins use the comments table for their own special purposes. Might be set to 'liveblog' or other, depending on what’s stored in your comments table. |
$status | string | Could be 'pending', etc. |
<div id="post-comments">
<h4>Comments on {{ post.title }}</h4>
{% for comment in post.comments() %}
{% include 'comment.twig' %}
{% endfor %}
<div class="comment-form">
{{ function('comment_form') }}
{# comment.twig #}
<p class="comment-author">{{ comment.author.name }} says:</p>
<div>{{ comment.content }}</div>
content() #
Gets the actual content of a WordPress post.
As opposed to using {{ post.post_content }}
, this will run the hooks/filters attached to the the_content
filter. It will return your post’s content with WordPress filters run on it – which means it will parse blocks, convert shortcodes or run wpautop()
on the content.
If you use page breaks in your content to split your post content into multiple pages, use {{ post.paged_content }}
to display only the content for the current page.
content( int $page = '', int $len = -1, bool $remove_blocks = false )
Returns: string
The content of the post.
Name | Type | Description |
$page | int | Optional. The page to show if the content of the post is split into multiple pages. Read more about this in the Pagination Guide. Default 0 . |
$len | int | Optional. The number of words to show. Default -1 (show all). |
$remove_blocks | bool | Optional. Whether to remove blocks. Defaults to false. True when called from the $post->excerpt() method. |
<h1>{{ post.title }}</h1>
<div class="content">{{ post.content }}</div>
convert() #
Finds any WP_Post objects and converts them to Timber\Post objects.
convert( array|\WP_Post $data )
Name | Type | Description |
$data | array or \WP_Post |
date() #
Gets the publishing date of the post.
This function will also apply the get_the_date
filter to the output.
If you use {{ post.date }} with the |time_ago filter, then make sure that you use a time format including the full time and not just the date.
date( string|null $date_format = null )
Returns: string
Name | Type | Description |
$date_format | string or null | Optional. PHP date format. Will use the date_format option as a default. |
{# Uses date format set in Settings → General #}
Published on {{ post.date }}
Published on {{ post.date('F jS') }}
which was
{{ post.date('U')|time_ago }}
{{ post.date('Y-m-d H:i:s')|time_ago }}
{{ post.date(constant('DATE_ATOM'))|time_ago }}
Published on January 12, 2015
Published on Jan 12th
which was
8 years ago
edit_link() #
Gets the edit link for a post if the current user has the correct rights.
Returns: string|null
The edit URL of a post in the WordPress admin or null if the current user can’t edit the post.
{% if post.can_edit %}
<a href="{{ post.edit_link }}">Edit</a>
{% endif %}
excerpt() #
Gets a excerpt of your post.
If you have an excerpt is set on the post, the excerpt will be used. Otherwise it will try to pull from an excerpt from post_content
. If there’s a <!-- more -->
tag in the post content, it will use that to mark where to pull through.
excerpt( array $options = [] )
Returns: \Timber\PostExcerpt
Name | Type | Description |
$options | array | An array of configuration options for generating the excerpt. Default empty.
<h2>{{ post.title }}</h2>
<div>{{ post.excerpt({ words: 100, read_more: 'Keep reading' }) }}</div>
field_object() #
Gets the field object data from Advanced Custom Fields.
This includes metadata on the field like whether it's conditional or not.
since 1.6.0
field_object( string $field_name )
Returns: mixed
Name | Type | Description |
$field_name | string | of the field you want to lookup. |
format() #
Returns: mixed
gallery() #
Returns galleries from the post’s content.
gallery( mixed $html = true )
Returns: array
A list of arrays, each containing gallery data and srcs parsed from the expanded shortcode.
{{ post.gallery }}
get_field() #
Gets a post meta value.
DEPRECATED since 2.0.0, use {{ post.meta('field_name') }}
get_field( string $field_name = null )
Returns: mixed
The meta field value.
Name | Type | Description |
$field_name | string | The field name for which you want to get the value. |
has_field() #
has_field( string $field_name )
Returns: bool
Name | Type | Description |
$field_name | string |
has_term() #
has_term( string|int $term_name_or_id, string $taxonomy = 'all' )
Returns: bool
Name | Type | Description |
$term_name_or_id | string or int | |
$taxonomy | string |
import_field() #
Import field data onto this object
DEPRECATED since since 2.0.0
import_field( string $field_name )
Name | Type | Description |
$field_name | string |
link() #
get the permalink for a post object
Returns: string
ex: https://example.org/2015/07/my-awesome-post
<a href="{{post.link}}">Read my post</a>
meta() #
Gets an object meta value.
Returns a meta value or all meta values for all custom fields of an object saved in the meta database table.
Fetching all values is only advised during development, because it can have a big performance impact, when all filters are applied.
meta( string $field_name = '', array $args = [] )
Returns: mixed
The custom field value or an array of custom field values. Null if no value could be found.
This method is inherited from \Timber\CoreEntity
Name | Type | Description |
$field_name | string | Optional. The field name for which you want to get the value. If no field name is provided, this function will fetch values for all custom fields. Default empty string. |
$args | array | An array of arguments for getting the meta value. Third-party integrations can use this argument to make their API arguments available in Timber. Default empty array. |
modified_author() #
Get the author (WordPress user) who last modified the post
Returns: \Timber\User|null
A User object if found, false if not
Last updated by {{ post.modified_author.name }}
Last updated by Harper Lee
modified_date() #
Gets the date the post was last modified.
This function will also apply the get_the_modified_date
filter to the output.
modified_date( string|null $date_format = null )
Returns: string
Name | Type | Description |
$date_format | string or null | Optional. PHP date format. Will use the date_format option as a default. |
{# Uses date format set in Settings → General #}
Last modified on {{ post.modified_date }}
Last modified on {{ post.modified_date('F jS') }}
Last modified on January 12, 2015
Last modified on Jan 12th
modified_time() #
Gets the time of the last modification of the post to use in your template.
This function will also apply the get_the_time
filter to the output.
modified_time( string|null $time_format = null )
Returns: string
Name | Type | Description |
$time_format | string or null | Optional. PHP date format. Will use the time_format option as a default. |
{# Uses time format set in Settings → General #}
Published at {{ post.time }}
Published at {{ post.time|time('G:i') }}
Published at 1:25 pm
Published at 13:25
modified_timestamp() #
Gets the timestamp when the post was last modified.
since 2.0.0
Returns: false|int
Unix timestamp on success, false on failure.
name() #
Returns: string
next() #
Gets the next post that is adjacent to the current post in a collection.
Works pretty much the same as get_next_post()
next( bool|string $in_same_term = false )
Returns: mixed
Name | Type | Description |
$in_same_term | bool or string | Whether the post should be in a same taxonomy term. Default false . |
{% if post.next %}
<a href="{{ post.next.link }}">{{ post.next.title }}</a>
{% endif %}
pagination() #
Gets a data array to display a pagination for your paginated post.
Use this in combination with {{ post.paged_content }}
Returns: array
An array with data to build your paginated content.
Using simple links to the next an previous page. Twig
{% if post.pagination.next is not empty %}
<a href="{{ post.pagination.next.link|esc_url }}">Go to next page</a>
{% endif %}
{% if post.pagination.prev is not empty %}
<a href="{{ post.pagination.prev.link|esc_url }}">Go to previous page</a>
{% endif %}
Using a pagination for all pages. Twig
{% if post.pagination.pages is not empty %}
<nav aria-label="pagination">
{% for page in post.pagination.pages %}
{% if page.current %}
<span aria-current="page">Page {{ page.title }}</span>
{% else %}
<a href="{{ page.link|esc_ur }}">Page {{ page.title }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
parent() #
Gets the parent (if one exists) from a post as a Timber\Post object.
Honors Class Maps.
Returns: bool|\Timber\Post
Parent page: <a href="{{ post.parent.link }}">{{ post.parent.title }}</a>
password_required() #
whether post requires password and correct password has been provided
Returns: bool
path() #
Gets the relative path of a WP Post, so while link() will return https://example.org/2015/07/my-cool-post this will return just /2015/07/my-cool-post
Returns: string
<a href="{{post.path}}">{{post.title}}</a>
prev() #
Get the previous post that is adjacent to the current post in a collection.
Works pretty much the same as get_previous_post()
prev( bool|string $in_same_term = false )
Returns: mixed
Name | Type | Description |
$in_same_term | bool or string | Whether the post should be in a same taxonomy term. Default false . |
{% if post.prev %}
<a href="{{ post.prev.link }}">{{ post.prev.title }}</a>
{% endif %}
preview() #
Gets an excerpt of your post.
DEPRECATED since 2.0.0, use {{ post.excerpt }}
If you have an excerpt is set on the post, the excerpt will be used. Otherwise it will try to pull from an excerpt from post_content
. If there’s a <!-- more -->
tag in the post content, it will use that to mark where to pull through.
This method returns a Timber\PostExcerpt
object, which is a chainable object. This means that you can change the output of the excerpt by adding more methods. Refer to the documentation of the Timber\PostExcerpt
class to get an overview of all the available methods.
Returns: \Timber\PostExcerpt
{# Use default excerpt #}
<p>{{ post.excerpt }}</p>
{# Change the post excerpt text #}
<p>{{ post.excerpt.read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
{# Additionally restrict the length to 50 words #}
<p>{{ post.excerpt.length(50).read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
raw_meta() #
Gets an object meta value directly from the database.
Returns a raw meta value or all raw meta values saved in the meta database table. In comparison to meta()
, this function will return raw values that are not filtered by third- party plugins.
Fetching raw values for all custom fields will not have a big performance impact, because WordPress gets all meta values, when the first meta value is accessed.
since 2.0.0
raw_meta( string $field_name = '' )
Returns: null|mixed
The meta field value(s). Null if no value could be found, an empty array if all fields were requested but no values could be found.
This method is inherited from \Timber\CoreEntity
Name | Type | Description |
$field_name | string | Optional. The field name for which you want to get the value. If no field name is provided, this function will fetch values for all custom fields. Default empty string. |
setup() #
Sets up a post.
Sets up the $post
global, and other global variables as well as variables in the $wp_query
global that makes Timber more compatible with WordPress.
This function will be called automatically when you loop over Timber posts as well as in Timber::context()
since 2.0.0
Returns: \Timber\Post
The post instance.
tags() #
Gets the tags on a post, uses WP's post_tag taxonomy
Returns: array
teardown() #
Resets variables after post has been used.
This function will be called automatically when you loop over Timber posts.
since 2.0.0
Returns: \Timber\Post
The post instance.
terms() #
Gets the terms associated with the post.
terms( string|array $query_args = [], array $options = [] )
Returns: array
An array of taxonomies.
Name | Type | Description |
$query_args | string or array | Any array of term query parameters for getting the terms. See WP_Term_Query::__construct() for supported arguments. Use the taxonomy argument to choose which taxonomies to get. Defaults to querying all registered taxonomies for the post type. You can use custom or built-in WordPress taxonomies (category, tag). Timber plays nice and figures out that tag , tags or post_tag are all the same (also for categories or category ). For custom taxonomies you need to define the proper name. |
$options | array | Optional. An array of options for the function.
<section id="job-feed">
{% if jobs is not empty %}
{% for post in jobs %}
<div class="job">
<h2>{{ post.title }}</h2>
<p>{{ post.terms({
taxonomy: 'category',
orderby: 'name',
order: 'ASC'
})|join(', ') }}</p>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<section id="job-feed">
<div class="job">
<h2>Cheese Maker</h2>
<p>Cheese, Food, Fromage</p>
<div class="job">
<p>Performance, Silence</p>
// Get all terms of a taxonomy.
$terms = $post->terms( 'category' );
// Get terms of multiple taxonomies.
$terms = $post->terms( array( 'books', 'movies' ) );
// Use custom arguments for taxonomy query and options.
$terms = $post->terms( [
'taxonomy' => 'custom_tax',
'orderby' => 'count'
], [
'merge' => false
] );
thumbnail() #
get the featured image as a Timber/Image
Returns: \Timber\Image|null
of your thumbnail
<img src="{{ post.thumbnail.src }}" />
thumbnail_id() #
Gets the post’s thumbnail ID.
since 2.0.0
Returns: false|int
The default post’s ID. False if no thumbnail was defined.
time() #
Gets the time the post was published to use in your template.
This function will also apply the get_the_time
filter to the output.
time( string|null $time_format = null )
Returns: string
Name | Type | Description |
$time_format | string or null | Optional. PHP date format. Will use the time_format option as a default. |
{# Uses time format set in Settings → General #}
Published at {{ post.time }}
Published at {{ post.time|time('G:i') }}
Published at 1:25 pm
Published at 13:25
timestamp() #
Gets the timestamp when the post was published.
since 2.0.0
Returns: false|int
Unix timestamp on success, false on failure.
title() #
Returns the processed title to be used in templates. This returns the title of the post after WP's filters have run. This is analogous to the_title()
in standard WP template tags.
Returns: string
<h1>{{ post.title }}</h1>
type() #
Returns the PostType object for a post’s post type with labels and other info.
since 1.0.4
Returns: \Timber\PostType
This post is from <span>{{ post.type.labels.name }}</span>
This post is from <span>Recipes</span>