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There are three types of pagination, which all work differently, but can easily be confused with each other, because they use similar terms:

  1. Pagination for archive templates
  2. Adjacent post pagination for singular templates
  3. Paged content within a post

Let’s look at them in more detail.

Pagination for archive templates #

The pagination for archive pages applies to template files with an active query of multiple posts, like archive.php or home.php. When you have a lot of posts, you wouldn’t list all of the posts on one page, because that would slow down your site too much. Instead, you would only show a defined number of results and use other pages that show the next set of results. Here’s an example:

  • posts/ – Shows first 10 posts.
  • posts/page/2 – Shows posts 11-20.

Default pagination #


$context = Timber::context();

Timber::render('archive.twig', $context);

Because we’re on an archive page, Timber already prepared a posts variable in the context for us. You could then markup the output like so:


<div class="tool-pagination">
{% if posts.pagination.prev %}
href="{{ posts.pagination.prev.link }}"
class="prev {{ posts.pagination.prev.link|length ? '' : 'invisible' }}"
{% endif %}

<ul class="pages">
{% for page in posts.pagination.pages %}
{% if page.link %}
href="{{ page.link }}"
class="{{ page.class }}"
{{ page.title }}</a>
{% else %}
<span class="{{ page.class }}">{{ page.title }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

{% if posts.pagination.next %}
href="{{ posts.pagination.next.link }}"
class="next {{ posts.pagination.next.link|length ? '' : 'invisible' }}"
{% endif %}

What if I’m not using the default query? #

If you want to overwrite the default query, you can do that by overwriting posts in the context with a new query. Make sure to include the paged parameter in the query.


global $paged;

if (!isset($paged) || !$paged) {
$paged = 1;

$context = Timber::context([
'posts' => Timber::get_posts([
'post_type' => 'event',
'posts_per_page' => 5,
'paged' => $paged,

Timber::render('archive-event.twig', $context);

Pagination with pre_get_posts #

Custom query_posts sometimes shows 404 on example.com/page/2. In that case you can also use pre_get_posts in your functions.php file:

function my_home_query($query)
if ($query->is_main_query() && !is_admin()) {
$query->set('post_type', ['movie', 'post']);

add_action('pre_get_posts', 'my_home_query');

Your archive.php or home.php template wouldn’t change:

$context = Timber::context();

Timber::render('archive.twig', $context);

Adjacent post pagination for singular templates #

A pagination for singular templates works different, because unlike for archive pages, you don’t have a collection of posts. But you can show links to the previous and next posts – they are called adjacent posts – with {{ post.next }} and {{ post.prev }}. These two functions are available on every instance of Timber\Post.


{% if post.prev %}
<h3>Previous article</h3>

<a href="{{ post.prev.link }}">{{ post.prev.title }}</a>
{% endif %}

{% if post.next %}
<h3>Next article</h3>

<a href="{{ post.next.link }}">{{ post.next.title }}</a>
{% endif %}

The posts are sorted by default. But if you use a plugin like Simple Custom Post Order to order posts manually, it will affect the order for {{ post.next }} and {{ post.prev }} as well.

Paged content within a post #

Paged content is yet another form of pagination that appears in WordPress. You can split the content of a single post into multiple pages and use a pagination to add links to the next and previous pages of the post.

  • If you use the Classic Editor, you can insert <!--nextpage--> wherever you want to add a page break.
  • If you use the Block Editor, you can’t use <!--nextpage-->. Instead, use the Page Break block.

Then, instead of using {{ post.content }}, use {{ post.paged_content }} to display only the content of the current page.

{{ post.paged_content }}

To display the links for the next and previous pages, you will use {{ post.pagination }}. Here’s an example where you would display the links to the next and previous pages.

{% if post.pagination.next is not empty %}
<a href="{{ post.pagination.next.link|e('esc_url') }}">Go to next page</a>
{% endif %}

{% if post.pagination.prev is not empty %}
<a href="{{ post.pagination.prev.link|e('esc_url') }}">Go to previous page</a>
{% endif %}

You can also display links to all pages, using an accessible pagination markup.

{% if post.pagination.pages is not empty %}
<nav aria-label="pagination">
{% for page in post.pagination.pages %}
{% if page.current %}
<span aria-current="page">Page {{ page.title }}</span>
{% else %}
<a href="{{ page.link|e('esc_url') }}">Page {{ page.title }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}