Action Hooks
timber_{$object_type}_get_meta_pre #
Filters post meta data before it is fetched from the database.
DEPRECATED since 2.0.0, use timber/{object_type}/pre_meta
timber/loader/render_file #
Fires after …
Name | Type | Description |
$result | string |
timber_loader_render_file #
Fires after …
DEPRECATED since 2.0.0, use timber/loader/render_file
This action is used by the Timber Debug Bar extension.
timber/calling_php_file #
Fires after the calling PHP file was determined in Timber’s compile function.
This action is used by the Timber Debug Bar extension.
since 1.1.2
Name | Type | Description |
$caller_file | string or null | The calling script file. |
timber/compile/done #
Fires after a Twig template was compiled and before the compiled data is returned.
This action can be helpful if you need to debug Twig template compilation.
since 2.0.0
Name | Type | Description |
$output | string | The compiled output. |
$file | string | The name of the Twig template that was compiled. |
$data | array | The data that was used to compile the Twig template. |
$expires | bool or int or array | The expiration time of the cache in seconds, or false to disable cache. |
$cache_mode | string | Any of the cache mode constants defined in Timber\Loader. |
timber_compile_done #
Fires after a Twig template was compiled and before the compiled data is returned.
DEPRECATED since 2.0.0, use timber/compile/done