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To get a user object in Timber, you use Timber::get_user() and pass the WordPress user ID as an argument.

$user = Timber::get_user($user_id);

This function is similar to get_userdata() and accepts one argument: a user ID. If you don’t pass in any argument, Timber will use get_current_user_id() to work with the currently logged in user.

$user = Timber::get_user();

// Is the same as…

$user = Timber::get_user(get_current_user_id());

What you get in return is a Timber\User object, which is similar to WP_User.

Get user by field #

If you don’t have a user ID, you can also get a user by other fields, like email or login through Timber::get_user_by().

// Get a user by email.
$user = Timber::get_user_by('email', '');

// Get a user by login.
$user = Timber::get_user_by('login', 'keanu-reeves');

Twig #

You can convert user IDs to user objects in Twig using the get_user() function.

{% set user = get_user(user_id) %}

It also works if you have an array of user IDs that you want to convert to Timber\User objects. Use the get_users() function.

{% for user in get_users(user_ids) %}

{% endfor %}

Invalid user #

If no user can be found with the user ID you provided, the Timber::get_user() function will return null. With this, you can always check for valid users in a template a simple if statement.

$user = Timber::get_user($user_id);

if ($user) {
// Handle user.

Or in Twig:

{% if user %}
{{ }}
{% endif %}

Login state #

Similar to checking for valid users, you can also check whether a user is currently logged in to WordPress. When you don’t provide an ID for Timber::get_user(), it will return null if no user is currently logged in.

$user = Timber::get_user();

if ($user) {
// A user is logged in.
} else {
// No user is logged in.

This allows you to check for a login state with an if statement.

{% if user %}
Hello {{ }}!
{% else %}
Hello visitor!
{% endif %}

User data #

If you need to access user data like the first and the last name, you can either load them from the properties set on user or with {{ user.meta }} for user values that are saved as meta values.

Here’s a little cheat sheet:

{# Display name #}
{{ }}
{{ user.display_name }}

{# Nice name #}
{{ user.slug }}
{{ user.user_nicename }}

{# Email #}
{{ user.user_email }}

{# Website #}
{{ user.user_url }}

{# Values loaded from user meta. #}
{{ user.meta('first_name') }}
{{ user.meta('last_name') }}
{{ user.meta('description') }}

{# Contact info #}
{{ user.meta('facebook') }}
{{ user.meta('instagram') }}
{{ user.meta('linkedin') }}
{{ user.meta('pinterest') }}
{{ user.meta('soundcloud') }}
{{ user.meta('tumblr') }}
{{ user.meta('twitter') }}
{{ user.meta('youtube') }}
{{ user.meta('wikipedia') }}

Extending Timber\User #

If you need additional functionality that the Timber\User class doesn’t provide or if you want to have cleaner Twig templates, you can extend the Timber\User class with your own classes:

class Author extends Timber\User

To initiate your new Author user, you also use Timber::get_user().

$author = Timber::get_user($user_id);

You can’t instantiate a Timber\User object or an object that extends this class with a constructor – you can’t use $author = new Author( $user_id ). In Timber, we’ve chosen to go a different way to prevent a lot of problems that would come with direct instantiation.

So, how does Timber know about your User class? Timber will use the User Class Map to sort out which class it should use.

Querying Users #

If you want to get an array of users, you can use Timber::get_users().

$users = Timber::get_users($query);

You can use this function in a similar way to how you use WP_User_Query.

// Get all users that only have a subscriber role.
$subscribers = Timber::get_users([
'role' => 'subscriber',

// Get all users that have published posts.
$post_authors = Timber::get_users([
'has_published_posts' => ['post'],

Instead of a query, you can also pass an array of user IDs.

$users = Timber::get_users([27, 83, 161]);

If you don’t pass in any argument, Timber::get_users() will do nothing and return an empty array.

// Returns an empty array.
$users = Timber::get_users();