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You are reading the documentation for Timber v2.x. Switch to the documentation for Timber v1.x.


Get a term #

To get a term object in Timber, you use Timber::get_term() and pass the WordPress term ID as an argument.

$term = Timber::get_term($term_id);

This function is similar to get_term() and accepts one argument: a term ID. If you don’t pass in any argument, Timber will use get_queried_object() to try and work with the currently queried term.

$term = Timber::get_term();

// Is the same as…

$term = Timber::get_term(get_queried_object_id());

What you get in return is a Timber\Term object, which is similar to WP_Term.

Get term by field #

If you don’t have a term ID, you can also get a term by other fields, like slug or name through Timber::get_term_by().

// Get a term by slug.
$term = Timber::get_term_by('slug', 'news', 'category');

// Get a term by name.
$term = Timber::get_term_by('name', 'News', 'category');

Twig #

You can convert terms IDs to term objects in Twig using the get_term() function.

{% set term = get_term(term_id) %}

If you have an array of terms IDs that you want to convert to Timber\Term objects, you can use get_terms().

{% for term in get_terms(term_ids) %}

{% endfor %}

Invalid terms #

If no valid term can be found with the term ID you provided, the Timber::get_term() function will return null. With this, you can always check for a valid term with a simple if statement.

$term = Timber::get_term($term_id);

if ($term) {

Or in Twig:

{% if term %}
{{ term.title }}
{% endif %}

Extending Timber\Term #

If you need additional functionality that the Timber\Term class doesn’t provide or if you want to have cleaner Twig templates, you can extend the Timber\Term class with your own classes:

class BookGenre extends Timber\Term

To initiate your new BookGenre term, you also use Timber::get_term().

$term = Timber::get_term($term_id);

In the same way that you can’t instantiate post objects directly, you can’t instantiate a Timber\Term object or an object that extends this class with a constructor. Timber will use the Term Class Map to sort out which class it should use.

Querying Terms #

If you want to get an array of terms, you can use Timber::get_terms().

$terms = Timber::get_terms();

If you don’t pass in any argument, Timber will use get_taxonomies() to get a list of terms from all taxonomies.

You can pass the same arguments to this function that you know from using WP_Term_Query.

// Using the WP_Term_Query argument format.
$terms = Timber::get_terms([
'taxonomy' => 'book_genre',
'count' => true,

Also check out the documentation for Timber::get_terms().

You get array of terms as a return value that you can loop over.

foreach ($terms as $term) {
echo $term->title();

In Twig, you can do the same.

{% for term in terms %}
{{ term.title }}
{% endfor %}

When you query for terms, Timber will use the Term Class Map to check which class it should use to instantiate your terms.

Listing terms in Twig #

When you want to display your terms in a textual list, you can make use of Twig filters:

{# A comma separated list #}
{{ terms|join(', ') }}

You don’t have to provide {{ term.title }}, because when you use {{ term }}, Timber will automatically return a term’s title.

If you want to separate the last item in your list with something else than a comma, use the second argument in Twig’s join filter.

{{ terms|join(', ', 'and') }}

And now, you probably also want to link these terms as well. You can make use of Twig’s map filter. While we use a dot (.) in PHP to concatenate strings, we use the tilde (~) in Twig.

{{ terms|map(
term => '<a href="' ~ ~ '">' ~ term.title ~ '</a>'
)|join(', ', ' and ') }}

Or you can use a for loop:

{% for term in terms -%}
<a href="{{ }}">{{ term.title }}</a>
{{ not loop.last ? 1 == loop.revindex0 ? ' and ' : ', ' }}
{%- endfor %}

We make use of the loop variable in Twig to either display an and or a comma.

See how we end the opening tag of the for-loop with -%} and start the closing tag with {%-? These are Whitespace Controls and can come in quite handy. Here, we use them to remove all the superfluous markup whitespace we don’t need.