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To get a post object in Timber, you use Timber::get_post() and pass the WordPress post ID as an argument.

$post = Timber::get_post($post_id);

This function is similar to get_post() and accepts one argument: a post ID. If you don’t pass in any argument, Timber will use get_queried_object() to try and work with the currently queried post.

$post = Timber::get_post();

// Is the same as…
$post = Timber::get_post(get_queried_object_id());

What you get in return is a Timber\Post object, which is similar to WP_Post. This object provides you with functions and properties for pretty much everything you need for developing theme templates.

Here’s a Twig template that received the post above in a post variable.

<article class="article post-type-{{ post.type }}" id="post-{{ post.ID }}">
<section class="article-content">
<h1 class="article-h1">{{ post.title }}</h1>
<h2 class="article-h2">{{ post.meta('subtitle') }}</h2>

<p class="article-author">
<span>By</span> {{ }} <span>&bull;</span> {{ }}

{{ post.content }}

Twig #

You can convert a post ID to post objects in Twig using the get_post() function.

{% set post = get_post(post_id) %}

This is especially helpful if you only have an image ID and want to convert it to an image:

<img src="{{ get_image(attachment_id).src }}">

It also works if you have an array of post IDs that you want to convert to Timber\Post objects.

{% set posts = get_posts(post_ids) %}
{% if posts is not empty %}
{% for post in posts %}
<li>{{ post.title }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

Invalid posts #

If no valid post can be found with the post ID you provided, the Timber::get_post() function will return null. With this, you can always check for valid posts with a simple if statement.

$post = Timber::get_post($post_id);

if ($post) {
// Handle post.

Or in Twig:

{% if post %}
{{ post.title }}
{% endif %}

Extending Timber\Post #

If you need additional functionality that the Timber\Post class doesn’t provide or if you want to have cleaner Twig templates, you can extend the Timber\Post class with your own classes:

class Book extends Timber\Post

To initiate your new Book post, you also use Timber::get_post().

$book = Timber::get_post($post_id);

You can’t instantiate a Timber\Post object or an object that extends this class with a constructor – you can’t use $post = new Book( $post_id ). In Timber, we’ve chosen to go a different way to prevent a lot of problems that would come with direct instantiation.

So, how does Timber know about your Book class? Timber will use the Post Class Map to sort out which class it should use.

Querying Posts #

If you want to get a collection of posts, you can use Timber::get_posts().

$posts = Timber::get_posts($query);

You can use this function similarly to how you use WP_Query. If you don’t pass in any argument, Timber will use the global query.

// Use the global query.
$posts = Timber::get_posts();

// Using the WP_Query argument format.
$posts = Timber::get_posts([
'post_type' => 'article',
'category_name' => 'sports',

The Timber::get_posts() function accepts a second parameter with options for the query. For example, with the merge_default option you can tell Timber that it should merge your query parameters with the default query parameters of the current template. You can check out merge_default and all the other options in the documentation for Timber::get_posts().

$posts = Timber::get_posts($query, $options);

The default query #

In archive templates like archive.php or category.php, Timber will already fetch the default query when you call Timber::context() and make it available under the posts entry. Read more about this in the Context Guide.

Class Map #

When you query for certain post types, Timber will use the Post Class Map to check which class it should use to instantiate your posts.

Post Collections #

The analogous Timber methods for getting Users, Terms, and Comments (Timber::get_users(), Timber::get_terms(), and Timber::get_comments()) all return arrays. But to make pagination work and making Timber compatible with The Loop, we treat Posts with special care.

What you get as a return value when running Timber::get_posts() is not a pure array of posts, but an instance of Timber\PostCollectionInterface, an ArrayObject that is very similar to an array as you know it. That means you can still loop over a PostCollectionInterface directly:

$posts = Timber::get_posts( /* optional args */);

foreach ($posts as $post) {
echo $post->title();

You can also directly access an index, like a normal array:

$first = $posts[0]; // Timber\Post instance

In Twig, you can also loop over the collection.

{% for post in posts %}
{{ post.title }}
{% endfor %}

What doesn’t work with objects that implement Timber\PostCollectionInterface are PHP’s Array functions like array_filter() or WordPress helper functions like wp_list_filter(). If you want to work with those, you can turn a Timber\PostCollectionInterface instance into a pure array with to_array(). But be aware that when you do that, you lose the pagination functionality and compatibility optimizations with The Loop.

$filtered = wp_list_filter($posts->to_array(), [
'comment_status' => 'open',

Types of Post Collections #

Like every other PHP interface, PostCollectionInterface cannot be instantiated directly, i.e. new PostCollectionInterface() will not work. You can only create instances of concrete classes that implement the interface.

Timber offers two implementations of PostCollectionInterface: the Timber\PostQuery and Timber\PostArrayObject classes. Both extend PHP’s ArrayObject class, which means you can loop over and index them directly (see examples above).

The common case: PostQuery #

Timber\PostQuery is what you will likely deal with most of the time. It is what is returned when:

  • calling Timber::get_posts() with no arguments
  • passing an associative array, e.g. Timber::get_posts( [ 'post_type' => 'post' ] )
  • passing a WP_Query object, e.g. Timber::get_posts( new WP_Query( [ 'post_type=post' ] ) )
  • calling $term->posts() on a Timber\Term object
  • calling $user->posts() on a Timber\User object
  • calling $post->children() on a Timber\Post object

The Timber\PostQuery class contains some optimization for tight integration with The Loop, including support for advanced pagination. To get a Pagination object you can use for rendering a pagination navigation component, call $post_query->pagination().

The fallback case: PostArrayObject #

Sometimes you may not have direct access to a WP_Query instance; you may only have an array of WP_Post objects, e.g. when calling a helper function defined in a plugin:

$wp_posts = fancy_plugin_get_custom_posts(); // -> an array of WP_Posts

In this scenario, you can still easily map each of these posts to instances of Timber\Post or the appropriate subclass, according to the Class Map you’ve defined:

$timber_posts = Timber::get_posts($wp_posts); // -> Timber\PostArrayObject

Here’s an example:

// Define your Post Class Map.
add_filter('timber/post/classmap', function ($classmap) {
return array_merge([
'page' => MyPage,
'custom' => CustomPost,
// Omitting an entry for "post" here means it defaults to Timber\Post.

$timber_posts = Timber::get_posts($wp_posts);

array_map(function ($p) {
return $p->post_type;
}, $wp_posts);
// -> ["post", "page", "custom"]
array_map('get_class', $timber_posts);
// -> ["\Timber\Post", "\MyProject\MyPage", "\MyProject\MyCustom"]

In short, Timber\Post instances are always created polymorphically, whether they are inside some kind of Post Collection or not.

Debugging Post Collections #

At query time and directly afterward, Post Collections do not necessarily contain instances of Timber\Post. Instead, Post objects are created lazily, meaning only when explicitly requested, such as by iterating over a Post Collection or accessing an index:

$posts = Timber::get_posts(); // -> PostQuery containing only raw WP_Post instances

$first = $posts[0]; // -> Timber\Post (or subclass) instance ON DEMAND!

foreach ($posts as $post) {
// $post is a Timber\Post instance, again created ON DEMAND.

To force eager instantiation, you can call the realize() method on a Post Collection:

$posts = Timber::get_posts()->realize();
// -> PostQuery containing realized (eagerly instantiated) Timber\Post instances

This is mostly an implementation detail for performance reasons, with an important caveat: Due to a bug in PHP <= 7.3, dumping the contents of a Post Collection does not realize the posts within it:

$posts = Timber::get_posts();

* Before PHP 7.4, will dump a bunch of PostQuery internals,
* but no Timber\Post instances!


// Do this instead:

See Laziness and Caching for details about how this interacts with caching.

Differences from WP core’s get_posts() #

It might seem like Timber::get_posts() is the same as get_posts() in WordPress. But it isn’t. It’s more similar to using WP_Query. WP core’s get_posts() function applies different default parameters and performs the same database query as it would when calling Timber::get_posts() like this:

$posts = Timber::get_posts([
'ignore_sticky_posts' => true,
'suppress_filters' => true,
'no_found_rows' => true,

If you’re used to using get_posts() instead of WP_Query, you will have to set these parameters separately in your queries.

Of course, the other main difference is that instead of returning plain WP_Post objects, Timber::get_posts() returns instances of Timber\Post.

Serialization #

When you want to work with post data in JavaScript, you will want to convert it to JSON first.

Under normal circumstances, this wouldn't be a problem. However, Timber posts are instantiated lazily. This means that most methods will only calculate and return a value the first time you call them. Take the Timber\Post::link() method for example. You use it to get the permalink for a post.

$permalink = $post->link();

Now let’s say you need to access that link in JavaScript, so you would convert your post data to JSON:

$post = Timber::get_post(84);
$json = wp_json_encode($post);

Because link is a method of your post object, you wouldn’t have access to it in JavaScript, because when you JSON-encode a post, you will only get its properties.

console.log(; // undefined

Luckily, support for serialization is baked into Timber queries when you implement PHP’s JsonSerializable interface.

Say you create a Book class that extends Timber\Post. You define a jsonSerialize() method for that class. This method returns an array with all the data you want to use in JavaScript.

use Timber\Post;

* Class Book
* Implements custom JSON serialization.

class Book extends Post implements JsonSerializable
* Defines data that is used when post is converted to JSON.
* @return array

public function jsonSerialize()
return [
'title' => $this->title(),
'link' => $this->link(),
'thumbnail' => $this->thumbnail()->src('thumbnail'),
'price' => $this->meta('price'),

Once you define with Class Maps that all book post types should be instantiated with your Book class, you can directly convert your posts query to JSON:

$posts = Timber::get_posts([
'post_type' => 'book',

$posts_json = wp_json_encode($posts_json);

Now, when you access your posts in JavaScript, you will have all the data you defined in your Book::jsonSerialize() method as object properties of your post.


title: 'The magic serialization of posts',
link: '',
thumbnail: '',
price: 100

Now you might think: Why do I have to add all the data manually? Could we not just add all the data from all the methods of a post? Well, technically we could. But all that data would end up in your HTML output, which might not be a good idea:

  • There could be sensitive data that you don’t want to have publicly available in your HTML.
  • All the data you add to the HTML will make your page size bigger. For performance reasons, it makes sense to only load the data you need.

Performance #

Consider using the pre_get_posts action #

Data will always be fetched from the database if you

  • Use Timber::get_posts() with a query argument
  • Use Timber::get_post() with an argument.

These two cases are always a performance hit. As long as you don’t change any query parameters, Timber will use the default query that is already set up and no additional database query will be run.

If you care about performance and want to change the query that WordPress runs before deciding which template file it will use, you need to use the pre_get_posts action.

Count rows only if needed #

Whenever you query for a collection of posts, but you don’t need pagination for them, you should set no_found_rows to true.

$posts = Timber::get_posts([
'no_found_rows' => true,

In the back, the query will not count the number of found rows. This can result in better performance if you have a large number of posts.

Laziness and Caching #

Timber\Post instances inside Post Collections are created lazily. That is, until it is accessed directly, each index inside a Post Collection is just a raw WP_Post object. We do it this way because creating a Timber\Post object may require additional database round trips or other expensive operations to import a post’s data.

Here is a timeline of what normally happens when you call Timber::get_posts():

  1. Timber decides what kind of Post Collection it will return (or returns null on error).
  2. It populates the new Post Collection, either with WP_Post objects it queries from WordPress core or with ones it was already passed, and returns the Collection object.
  3. The Collection (say, $coll) now contains zero or more raw WP_Post instances passed in/returned from the query.
  4. Calling $coll[ $numeric_index ] realizes a Timber\Post object from the WP_Post at $numeric_index, running it through any Post Class Map you've defined, and replaces the object at that index internally, so it doesn't have to repeat that work in the future.
  5. Looping over $coll repeats the above step for each index that has not been realized. For indexes that have been realized, it simply returns the realized Timber\Post object that already lives at that index.

This is usually what you want. But sometimes, you may want to force Timber to realize a collection up front, such as if you are caching an expensive post query:

$eager_posts = \Timber\Helper::transient('my_posts', function () {
$query = \Timber\Timber::get_posts([
'post_type' => 'some_post_type',

// Run Post::setup() up front.
return $query->realize();

foreach ($eager_posts as $post) {
// No additional overhead here.

// Later...
foreach (get_transient('my_posts') as $post) {
* Same deal!
* No repeated overhead here because the realized Posts are already cached.


Using posts or post collections in the context #

Timber will automatically set the post or posts variable for you in the context depending on the template file you’re using. Read more about this in the Context Guide.

Password protected posts #

It’s recommended to use the post_password_required() function to check if a post requires a password. You can add this check in all your single PHP template files


$context = Timber::context();

if (post_password_required($post->ID)) {
Timber::render('single-password.twig', $context);
} else {
['single-' . $post->ID . '.twig', 'single-' . $post->post_type . '.twig', 'single.twig'],


{% extends "base.twig" %}

{% block content %}
{{ function('get_the_password_form') }}
{% endblock %}

Using a Filter #

Alternatively, with a WordPress filter, you can use a specific PHP template for all your password protected posts. Note: this is accomplished using only standard WordPress functions. This is nothing special to Timber


* Use specific template for password protected posts.
* By default, this will use the **password-protected.php** template file. If you want password
* templates specific to a post type, use **password-protected-$posttype.php**.

add_filter('template_include', 'get_password_protected_template', 99);

function get_password_protected_template($template)
global $post;

if (!empty($post) && post_password_required($post->ID)) {
$template = locate_template([
]) ?: $template;

return $template;

With this filter, you can use a password-protected.php template file with the following contents:

$context = Timber::context([
'post' => Timber::get_post(),
'password_form' => get_the_password_form(),

Timber::render('password-protected.twig', $context);

To display the password on the page, you could then use {{ password_form }} in your Twig file.